Sunday, September 28, 2008


This weekend I have indulged in tons of girl stuff. Painting my nails, having girly drinks, trying different things with the makeup, switching up the usual outfits, shopping and spending money I shouldn't be--just fun, girl weekend stuff. But, the one thing I did more than anything this weekend was take in a few great chick flicks!

Friday night after a post-work drink with a couple of my favorite ladies, Beth and I went to see Nights in Rodanthe. I thought it was terribly depressing--I mean, like your most emotional chick flick movie ever. But, Richard Gere is hot in it, and so is Diane Lane, and they are hot together. Plus, my favorite SVU detective Elliot Stabler makes an appearance, and I am all about that hottie. So, if you want to get your heart ripped out by the most ridiculously romantic and incredibly depressing love story, check it.

Then, yesterday afternoon, Danielle and I decided that we needed to have a Sex and the City day. She bought the movie so we lounged around and watched that--acting just as surprised and entertained as we had the first time we had seen it. That movie is freaking great, and I imagine most of you have seen it. I have lots and lots of love for that movie. And I just acquired the soundtrack yesterday (thanks Danielle!) and it's pretty good, too. I think I am definitely a Miranda. What about you?

Last night, Lucy got back to her and Danielle's place after work, and we decided to get off the living room floor and actually take ourselves to a movie rather than bust into the DVDs of our favorite gals. We decided on the Women. And I thought it was hilarious. I didn't know the story line, and haven't seen the older version of the movie, so I had no expectations. It was so cool though, to see a movie done with only women. Every single character in this flick is a woman (with one minor exception). It was really cool. I thought it was quite funny, and I think Meg Ryan is adorable.

So, it was a pretty relaxing weekend, filled with some of my favorite characters, good movies, and my so lovely friends--love it!


Bayjb said...

Aww I love girly weekends! It sounds perfect! Good tok now about the movie - I've heard mixed reviews on it but it still looks good.

Auburn Kat said...

I read Nights in Rodanthe and can't wait to see the movie!

Anonymous said...

Girly weekends are definitely necessary. I need one myself!

Sara Jane said...

I love girly weekends too! I liked the Women, but I couldn't believe they didn't show a man the entire movie!

laurwilk said...

Hmm..I haven't seen any of those movies. Or heard of them.

And I had a very 'masculine weekend'. Lots of football. Some Natty. I really need to paint my nails.

Yes, you are a Miranda.

laurwilk said...

P.S. I have obviously heard of Sex in the City. But I haven't heard of Women or Nights in Rodanthe.

I'll check 'em out.

Kara said...

ah dude - did you or did you not ask me to see this new movie?!?!

you are not my friend anymore.

amanda said...

Sounds like a perfect
weekend! Seriously.
Sometimes weekends
like that are just
what the doctor ordered.

I want to see Nights
in Rodanthe so badly.
I'm always up for a
good heart-breaker that'll
make me sob the entire time.

Nicholas Sparks. Sigh.
He's such a romantic.
His books make me swoon.

Love Richard and Diane
together! And I REALLY
love that Elliot is in it.
When I saw him in the
previews...I got excited.

LOVE the Sex and The City
movie...I can't believe I
don't own it yet. GASP!
Need to get my hands
on that ASAP!

Umm...and I really want
to see The Women. I think
it looks like a good
girly movie. I really
like the cast as well.

Glad to see you had a
good time, Jamie. Woooo.

What color did you paint
your nails?

E said...

Okay okay I will rent it. I have to know the characters in Sex and... because everyone I know is identifying with one. And I have a sore throat so this might be the cure....

E said...

What are you reading lady? I want a recommendation from you....

Sara Jane said...

Where are you???