Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everybody's doing it!

I was really excited to see that Amanda at I Could Be Ordinary tagged me in her most recent post, and then I had to realize that I had to actually think about all of these things!! Thanks for the tag, girl!

A. Attached or Single? Singleton!

B. Best Friend? I have been blessed with lots of fantastic people in my life! They know who they are!

C. Cake or pie? Cake. For sure. Yellow with chocolate frosting.

D. Day of choice? Saturday. When it's not my day to work. Sleep in. Be lazy. I love Saturdays. Sundays are a close close second.

E. Essential item? My computer--namely for internet/email purposes, and good music.

F. Favorite color? Green

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears

H. Hometown? Spencer! Go Tigers!

I. Favorite indulgence? Red, red wine.

J. January or July? July. July is a good month. And it's warm. And perfect for grilling, being in the sun, and drinking beer.

K. Kids? No, I don't have any. And I don't want any for a long time. Although, I love other people's kids. And babies are adorable. I'm not a hater, I just am not ready for them! Scary!

L. Life isn’t complete without? Nail polish.

M. Marriage date? Ha! Marriage schmarriage!

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 2: Autumn (26) and Christy (18)

O. Oranges or Apples? Both

P. Phobias? Spiders. Warm milk. Oversleeping.

Q. Quotes?I have lots of favorites--but my current favorite right now is: "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind." (Thanks Kara!)

R. Reasons to smile? I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite. Um...having hilarious conversations with fun people. Little Emerson. Good blogs by my blog-friends. Text messages. Cute boys. My really awesome friends (wine days/nights, SATC extravaganzas, driving aimlessly on gravel roads, really long pointless conversations), I just love them.

S. Season of choice? I go back and forth here. I mean, I love all seasons for different reasons. I wish they changed monthly instead of like, tri-monthly. It would be better then--you wouldn't really be able to get sick of them! I love flip flops in the summer, sweatshirts in the fall, snow in the winter, and raincoats in the spring!

T. Tag 5 people: Bayjb, Beth, Kara, E, Auburn Kat!

U. Unknown fact about me? Um...I often gag when brushing my teeth. My feet are NEVER still, and they're always hot.

V. Vegetable? Corn. No contest.

W. Worst habit? Flirting. With the wrong boys.

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Niether.

Y. Your favorite food? Mashed potatoes. Soup. Corn. Bread. Pasta. Olive Garden Salad. Wine. Beer.

Z. Zodiac sign? Aries.


laurwilk said...

You do have the hottest feet ever. It's weird! (FREAK!)

Also, beer and wine are not foods you alcoholic.

amanda said...

I LOVE Olive Garden
salad. Totally delish.
Can't argue there.

And umm...I totally
love all the season
for those very same
reasons. I could never,
ever live in a place
where I didn't have
warm weather and snow.
Pshh. Where is the fun
in that?

E said...

Fingernail polish...yes.
Seasons too. And lots else. Loved this oportunity to get to know you better

Bayjb said...

Thanks for the linky love. Doh this is the second meme this week I was tagged for. I'm going to have to knock these out this weekend!

Auburn Kat said...

You are the second person that tagged me...I guess that means I should do it huh? =)

Kellan said...

Warm milk is an odd phobia - HA! I like green too and I like cake too! Fun answers.

Take care and see you soon - Kellan