Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello Lovers!!!!

After lots of thought, and a little research, I've decided it is time for a change.


Please join me at wordpress!

So, update your address links, and get your butts over to my new site! Looking forward to seeing you all.


Monday, December 8, 2008


Just FYI--today is my ONE YEAR anniversary at this blog! Yay!! Hope you all enjoy this one...

People are constantly trying to set me up and marry me off. "I have a friend for you" "There's this really cute farmer I know" "My nephew is adorable" you get the picture. Here is a conversation that happened between a good friend of mine and me. She's older than me, has a family, and always hounds me about getting married and giving her some "grandbabies." Yeah, right. Anyway, she's got a guy in mind that she wants to set me up with. She's brought him up several times over the last month or two, but nothing has ever come to fruition--she brought him up again today. Here is our e-mail convo after her phone call to tell me that she was back on this lovely idea of hers. Enjoy:

From: Jamie Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:03 PMTo: MJ Subject: RE:
He’s not like, churchy, is he?

From: MJ Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:11 PMTo: Jamie Subject: RE:
Ok, no.

From: Jamie Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:16 PMTo: MJ Subject: RE:
I don’t date really churchy guys

From: MJ Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:22 PMTo: Jamie Subject: RE:
I have no indication he’s churchy. Chris is trying to find a photo of him to email me. She thinks she has one of him with a deer he shot??!?!?!?!!??!??!?**!! He could put food on the table. You’d never go hungry.

From: Jamie Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:23 PMTo: MJ Subject: RE:
OMG! He's a hunter? Like how often does he hunt? Every season? Like, blood on his clothes all the time, hunts? For Pete’s sake, what do you think I am?

From: MJ Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:25 PMTo: Jamie Subject: RE:
Well…..he could find you car keys and missing shoe for you. Don’t you date hunters now? Sheesh….what do you want, a pussy city boy?

From: Jamie Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:27 PMTo: MJSubject: RE:
Lol! I’m just saying. Hunting is one thing…being a crazy hunter guy is totally different. I mean, if he’s a "deer heads in every room of the house" kinda guy…. :S

From: MJ Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:30 PMTo: Jamie Subject: RE:
You can hang your panties from the antlers.

From: Jamie Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:30 PMTo: MJ Subject: RE:
There is something very, very wrong with you.

From: MJ Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:32 PM To: Jamie Subject RE:
Ditto, Cabbagehead.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Children Need Him More Than I Do.

It is necessary to have a visual of those three places before I tell you this story.
My friend Danielle and I decided it would be best for both of our souls to go on a man-fast for a while. As you all know, my luck with man-fasting is very bad. I don't have much will power--which is why I always fail at being anorexic, never get out of bed early to exercise, and always finish the bottle of wine. When it comes to men, I am usually the same way. I had lots of faith in my ability to pull this off this time, though.
And I failed.
I went on a date tonight. With Zach. A cute 25 year old college graduate with what sounds like a decent job (and he travels a lot, like me), and a similar love for Thai food. We met at my favorite Thai restaurant tonight (even though it is in a shoddy part of town and my sister is convinced I am going to get shot every time I go there). Conversation was off to a good start, we perused the menu, he ordered the yellow curry duck and I had the pad thai--per my usual. We talked about our jobs, families, friends, goals, aspirations, his immunizations* etc. Great date? Right?
Here's the catch: Zach leaves Saturday to go back to Denver for work for two weeks. He comes home on the 20th and then is done working. He quit his job. So that he can leave in the beginning of January to go to ECUADOR* to teach ENGLISH to the CHILDREN for somewhere between SIX MONTHS AND A YEAR. Blast! Damn noble people, anyway. "Thanks for dinner and a great date, maybe I'll run into you in South America sometime???"
I'm not very good with geography, but I do know that Denver, Ecuador and my lovely spot in Iowa are not, well, very close at all.
My sister's first question: Why are you going on dates with men who are based in Denver and are moving to Ecuador next month?
She's brilliant.
Maybe the man-fast won't be so difficult after all--especially if all the men I am interested in are jet setting to South America for the rest of their lives.
Have I ever told you all how much I hate dating? Sometimes I think it might have been easier if I had been born into one of those families who believe in arranged marriage--set me up and send me off to get knocked up with my new husband and a flock of sheep as my dowry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You gotta have friends....

If you ever have a day that leaves you feeling like this:

I have decided the best solution is to call up your best friends. Although we live only 28 minutes from each other, we don't see each other as often as we should, so I was especially excited when these lovely ladies met me last night for dinner, and we had a blast--we laughed, caught up, shared disgust over the nasty sauce the waitress brought Danielle (seriously, sick), harassed Lucy about her newest boy, it was lovely. The photos below pretty much sum up my dear friends' personalities to a T--Lucy's changes depending on the topic of choice ( the closed mouth smirk was from when I started razzing her about the Iraqi war veteran who will *hopefully* become her husband soon; the excited one with her hands in the air came from our conversation about mud wrestling a cute boy in the rain--Lucy, not me; and the final one where she looks disgruntled came on as we decided that we had to get going. Danielle, true to form, is typically pretty excited, so that picture works, too!).

Seriously, I have great friends. And I love them. They know that. A girl finds only a few good girlfriends in her life, and I happen to be blessed with some of the best of them! XXXO