Saturday, September 13, 2008

Airport, oh airport.

Here I sit in the DSM International Airport. I am Phoenix bound. I have a two hour layover in Dallas. My flight was just delayed about a half an hour. The thing is, there is a hurricane in Texas, and by 3pm they are supposed to be experiencing squalls in Dallas. My flight out of Dallas is supposed to be at 4:15. In the middle.of.a.squall. What the heck is a squall, anyway?? What do you suppose the odds of me actually getting to Dallas/Phoenix today are? Yeah, I thought so, too. This could be a long day. I hope very much that someone is going to be available to come and pick me up when all the flights are cancelled. Barf.

On another note, I still love airports. Especially with a computer. People watching is fun. There are some interesting characters in the world. And I love to see the dynamics between couples when travel plans go awry. All flights to Chicago just got postponed by like 2-3 hours. This woman just totally bit her husbands head off while they are standing in line for a gate agent to change their itinerary. As if he could change the torrential downpours they are experiencing in the windy city...

I did buy a new book this morning, though. My Sister's Keeper--Jodi Picoult. I've heard excellent reviews. I decided to give it a try...turns out I might have lots of time to read it. I'm sitting close to the counter. That's my typical modus operandi...which is because I am honestly always delayed/cancelled. She who sits closest to the counter has the best chance of hopping on another plane. Seriously. This happens to me all.the.time.

Thank god for Xanax.


Auburn Kat said...

My Sister's Keeper was a good book!

Good luck with your flights!

laurwilk said...

My Sister's Keeper is okay. I wouldn't give it a spectacular rating! It's quite easy to tug at the heart strings with topics such as I think at first it seems a bit better than it is.

I think the DSM airport may be as boring as Milwaukee. Haha, uh oh!!

Sara Jane said...

I loved My Sister's Keeper. It for sure pulled on my heart.

I love people watching at airports! Have fun.


Bayjb said...

My Sister's Keeper made me cry so hard in bed that I had to stop reading and calm myself down to start up again. I love Jodi Picoult.

amanda said...

People watching is one
of my FAVORITE past times.
I'm obsessed. Haha. It's
trueee...there are a ton
of fun characters to
gawk at out there in the
crazy world.

As for My Sisters Keeper...
I really liked it. The entire
way through...and then the
ending I felt so let down.
Psh. But I hope it's more
rewarding for you. But the
movie is coming out soon-so
it's a good thing you're reading
it! Woooo.

Dreams and Designs said...

Apparently I'm the only schmuck who reads your blog that hasn't read this book.
So, once you're done lying poolside in the steamy Arizona sun and reading it all, please bring it back and let me read it!

E said...

Did you actually make it to Phoenix? Has the sunshine cured your cold, or have all the McCain supporters made you sicker??
My Sister's Keeper was too sad and morose for me. I finished it but it made me miserable. I have taken a happy book vow for the rest for the year...

Kelly Simmons said...

If you really do take Xanax you might relate better to a book from the same team that publishes Jodi Picoult. STANDING STILL, a literary novel about a woman with panic disorder. I wrote it, so I apologize for the self-promo, but it's hard to get the word out! Happy traveling and happy reading.

Kelly Simmons