Sunday, November 2, 2008

It wasn't.

It wasn't just coffee. It wasn't coffee at all. Because due to some communication errors, I accidentally stood him up. I know, right?? I basically fell over myself apologizing. It's a long, complicated story full of miscommunication. On the bright side, there are no hard feelings, and tonight, it is going to be sushi. And saki. And, fingers crossed, wondeful conversation. I will have a full report for all of you lovelies tomorrow morning! :) Lets just hope he's remembered daylight savings time and we don't end up missing each other again due to a stupid extra hour (that I so appreciated this morning) in our day.

On another note, I have to share with you the sweetest pictures I have ever seen--hijacked from my sister.

Little miss Emerson was the most adorable little witch you have ever seen this year for Halloween. Here are the pics to prove it!

She's blowing on the flowers
Walking through the park in the square
Holding her Emerson-sized pumpkin

Hanging with her candy

I love this one!
I know, adorable! I'll leave you with these and be back with a *hopefully* interesting, positive and uplifting post in the morning. And hopefully, it won't be one of those pitiful "this date sucked, and I can't believe I put myself through it" type of dates. Fingers crossed!


Sara Jane said...

She is adorable.

Have so much fun on your sushi date!

Anonymous said...

Thief!!! But that's okay:) Have fun tonight!

Anonymous said...

And don't brag about your extra hour. Emerson has NO idea what that extra hour means. This means I was up at FIVE. Oh yes, FIVE because she thought it was six.

Bayjb said...

She is adorable! I love kids in costumes. Her tights are super fierce.

Dreams and Designs said...

Umm, are you saying I was NOT the most adorable witch you have ever seen???? I would normally take offense but since Emerson is so darn cute I guess I am OK with it!

And i agree with Autumn- no extra hour at my house- 3 year olds don't get it either... :(

laurwilk said...

Nice work on the costume, Autumn! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, she is adorable!

Tiff Hummel said...

perhaps i'll get a response to my text following the date...right?? oh wait, it IS after the date. who is the lucky mystery boy??

amanda said...

I LOVE her costume.
She's a gem!

Have a rockin' time
on your date. Do it
up, girl!