Friday, October 10, 2008

lost in translation

I don't believe I should ever have to do maintenence on a rental. I don't want to worry about the damn thing which is why I rent in the first place. Thus when the tire pressure light came on this week it really made my blood boil. I ignored it. Now on my way home this morning I noticed the car pulling a little to the right. Shit.

I pull off the interstate to the first station I see. I find the air hose and take it to my visibly low tire and its not working. Shit.

Then he walks out of the station. He is "the sprinkler guy."

He says "that thing working?"
I say "doesn't seem to be" translated: shit no its not working--can u not see me kicking this air machine with my very pointy toed boot?
He says "need some help"
I say "um...sure" trans: shit yeah!!
He says "I just happen to have a very large air compressor over here. I can help you out."
I say "that would be so great." Trans:your eyes are so pretty...icy blue. Yum.
I pull my car over by his truck and can't help but realize how tan and rugged this guy is.
He says "I don't have a guage but this looks pretty close"
I say "thank u sooo much--u saved me!" Trans:I do have a guage and it says you're hot.

So now I am heading home on a lovely little high from the sprinkler guy. Yes I am blogging and driving. How is that for highly irresponsible multi tasking? I know, I know. Save your lectures, sisters. I already realize the dangers. Xo!


Dreams and Designs said...

"I do have a guage and it says you're hot."

Love this line!! Too funny!

Kyla Bea said...

lol! Maybe with a little luck you can let some air out of the tire and go back?

Dolce said...

Men multitask all the time. It's called reading in the bathroom.

Sara Jane said...

You're too funny! DO NOT BLOG AND DRIVE!!!

laurwilk said...
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laurwilk said...

JAMIE L. OLB! (Ha, sorry!)

Do NOT blog and drive! I am seriously mad at you. What are you DOING!

amanda said...

Haha. Oh Jamie!
You make me giggle.

brandy said...

Ohhhh I loved this! The gauge line made me laugh out loud.

Bayjb said...

I would do some damage on that car to go back and have a translated conversation again with that guy, I love the line about the gauge saying that he's hot. Hilarious.

E said...

Doesn't everybody blog when they drive....??

I think you need to go back and take him a BIG muffin or something. It might not be a love match but worker dudes are seriously hot.......(this is my vague recollection from the way back olden days...)