Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh, how I love Iowa

There are many reasons why I enjoy my job. A week off at Christmas, great vacation, awesome coworkers, my windowless office, half day Fridays in the summer, and another one: FAIR DAY! It brings me back to high school a little bit, because we always got Friday off to go enjoy the county fair (Clay County--the second largest county fair in the world next to Orange County California--Spencerites, be proud, be proud) and all we did was run around and talk about people we didn't like, ride rides till we were sick and flirt with crazy carnies while trying to convince Chris to eat the goldfish he just won and pry Best away from the carnie at the basketball tent while she tried to convince him to give her a giant teddy bear for a kiss.

Well, anyway, the Iowa State Fair is going on right now, so everyone at work gets the afternoon off to go to the fair and enjoy the glorious weather! It's a crazy big deal. This means Turkey Legs, Funnel Cakes, Bud tents, Fried Snickers on a stick, Cheese Curds, the Butter Cow, you know, the works.

It will probably be a little different for me now, though. My high school friends won't be there, ad my bosses will, which means I have to be on my best behavior--and probably avoid flirting with the carnies. Of course we will make our way through the animal pavillions and see the 3,000 pound pig. There is also a sculpture of Olympic Gymnast and West Des Moines native Shawn Johnson made out of butter. I am sure that will be a sight.

So, I am off to the fair. Going with the girls. Gossip will abound. I love it. This will be my one and only day at the fair--I'm not a die-hard like some people I know. 4 hours and I am faired out for at least two years--but they are a good 4 hours. And, I have already discussed it with my ass, and she is going to forgive me for all of the damaging things I plan on doing today. I am not kidding about the Turkey Leg--that's my favorite part. Here's to half days!


Accidentally Me said...

I totally giggled at the idea of you having a conversation with you ass...

Have fun!

laurwilk said...

OH MY GOSH. My jealous is so great. I long for the fair. I cannot wait. Eat so many cheese curds for me! Remember when we bought that invisible ink and would run around the fair all day squirting each other with it? And then we'd go swimming at night in those pools/hot tubs by the 11th Ave. entrance. SO freaking fun!

Sometimes when people tell stories about me from the past, I almost die thinking of the things I did. I really probably was willing to give a carnie a kiss if he gave me a huge stuffed animal. I am disgusting.


amanda said...

Thats awfully swell
that your ass is so
forgiving. Mine
rarely is.

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your state fair going that I can hardly contain myself. I want to go. So sad. I do hope that you ate a gyro or something for me.

Kyla Bea said...

State fairs?? Aw!

Being Canadian I only found out about such things 4 years ago when I started dating my dual US-Canadian citizen boy and his family who are from Ohio.

This year is sadly a write off, but next year I am making going to a college football game and going to a state fair my only goals. It sounds like so much fun!