Sunday, August 24, 2008

A bunch of randomness follows...

Finally, the insanity is over. Work is done for the weekend, sister is moved in to college, the chaos has subsided. At least momentarily. At this point, I am so tired that I can barely type...but here I am.

And I miss college. Moving the kid in this weekend made me realize that in an absolute way. I miss the excitement of the new year--the energy that is automatically felt every time you enter the dorms. The joy I used to find in purchasing pens and pencils, and the smell of fresh paper. Mentally putting together the outfit you were going to wear on your first night back on campus. Flipping through your new textbooks both excited and agonized over the material. Ahh. Stupid college, why must I miss you so?

I went to Walmart and bought new pens. I feel a bit better.

This afternoon I finished Breaking Dawn--the 4th book in the Twilight series, and let me just tell you, it's far different from the first three books. I won't include any spoilers as I know people who are still reading or haven't started yet. But, in very distinct contrast to the rest of her books, I am at a loss. Stephanie, you ripped my heart out and stomped on it. Why did you do that? Did your editors force you to write this one too quickly? What gives?

Oh, and on another note, all you gals who love sappy, depressing music as much as I do, you must listen to the following song--Bring Me to You by Joshua Radin...I've included the YouTube so you have no excuse.

Must go and enjoy the remaining blissful hours of Sunday. See you tomorrow.


Sara Jane said...

I'm with you.


I would kill to go back to my first year of college. I miss it so much some days.

I agree with you on Breaking Dawn. Written too fast. Where did the love story go?

Love the song. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


megabrooke said...

Aw, thanks for including the Josh video. Is he not wicked swoon-worthy?!

amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
amanda said...

I like what brookem
says...wicked swoon-worthy.
And that's just what he is.

I don't and don't think
I ever will miss college
per say. Granted, the
not seeing my friends,
buying school supplies
type of thing is what I do
miss. Ohh. And the not
living at home-moving in
to a new place slash fresh
start...miss. But the actual
school part? Heck noooo.
I didn't love going to
classes...and I didn't
love doing school work.

Hope you're enjoying your
Sunday eveningggg.

So@24 said...

"and I miss college"

That's my motto. If I order a shirt, will you wear it with me?

E said...

This is why you are being called to grad school. Some people are built for more school.

Lots of times those people become teachers.

Have you considered teaching at college? New paper and pens and a fresh start every September with all new kids. What would you teach???

(And I got him in the time honored way of all great relationships...I met him in a bar.
Well a local restaurant/tavern anyway that was showing the sixth game of the world series which I did not care about, but was supposed to. I saw him and asked mutual friends to introduce us that was the last he got to see of the game.... )

laurwilk said...

I miss college every day. I don't so much like pens, though.

Grad school, here we come!

laurwilk said...

Overheard in Staples, August 2002"MAHHHHKAHHHS!"

Anonymous said...

You aren't the only one disappointed by Breaking Dawn. There's an article in a recent Publishers Weekly Magazine about all the readers who have gone to the bookstores where they bought it to demand their money back!