Friday, June 13, 2008

They do it differently out in the country...

Last Saturday was a good day. It's a story I need to tell! Most of the day was spent outside in the yard--pulling weeds and planting flowers. I then read a half a book on the deck and caught some rays--too many rays. Anyway, after that, my friend/roommate called to see what I wanted to do that night--she was out at her bf' the country. We shortly decided that I would head up there for the night and hang out with them.

So, I quick showered, felt the pain of too many hours in the sun, and got cute-ified. After a short drive and a few minutes of gravel-traveling later, I was there...out in the country.

Friend met me at the convenience store in her bf's big farm truck. We got beer. We got back to the farm and decided it was time to drink it. We made our way outside when the sun finally started shining and proceeded to do beer bongs on the patio. Okay, just kidding...but seriously. Anyway, a few beers and a few hours later people dispersed for dinner. At this time, Big Ed showed up.

Big Ed is friend's bf's whiskey drinking neighbor. He rolled up in his gator, and offered us a ride. Heck yes. We'll go for a ride. Pack a cooler, and grab a blanket--we were off for a ride in the country. Friend and I sat in the bed of the gator while bf and Big Ed sat up front. We traveled down the gravel roads and through the farmland and petted the cows. It was delightful.
Later, everyone came back, and somehow ended up together in the grass. We laid on the grassy knoll and watched the night sky get darker and darker. Eventually, we kissed the deer head in the living room goodnight and strolled up to bed. I made my way to the guest room and slept off the evening's fun.
The thing is, in the country, there is so much open space. It smells good. There are wild animals around and vast expanses of nothing. Lots of bugs. Lots of dust. Lots and lots of peaceful quiet. The neighbors can't hear when the party gets too loud, and if you want to throw beer cans in the yard, more power to you. We drove the 4-wheeler 65 down a gravel road with three people on it. Probably not the safest idea, but it felt good to have the wind blowing through my hair. It wasn't your typical Saturday night, but it was awesome.
So, I want to tell the roommate's bf thanks for a lovely Saturday out in the country. And, truthfully, I left out some of the details. If I told you the whole truth, you would know that consequently, this escapade ended up being the catalyst to the b-squared sabbatical. That, my dear friends, is another story for another time. For now, I will just relish in the sweet country smell reminiscent in these memories...
Sidenote: if friend's bf ever sends me some pictures of said night, I will be sure to add them to the blog!


Dreams and Designs said...

You didn't tell me you petted cows! How could you leave that out! That is major! If there is ever again a story with a Big Ed or a cow, please do not omit that part in your retelling on Monday.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the pics!! GB :)

laurwilk said...

I love Iowa and am a firm believer that it is the greatest place on this green earth!
(That does not mean you should stay there and not move to NYC, however.)