Friday, June 6, 2008

Here I am, Here I am!

Sorry for the delay in my posts. But, dear friends, so much has happened since I wrote last!

We are moved and we are settled into our adorable little yellow cottage inspired duplex. It's fantastic. We have laundry machines, and storage in the basement (YES!). We can open all the windows all over the house and let the warm spring breeze filter through. It actually feels and smells and looks like a house. We are, for the most part, unpacked, and realized that we have enough dishes and silverware to feed a small army--if any of you ever want to come over for dinner, feel free. Just beware, we think our oven is toxic as the enamel has been all but eaten away, so we certainly can't vouch for the safety of the food, but my roommate is a pretty darn good cook. We still need to paint the walls and weed the landscaping, but otherwise, it's getting pretty cozy.

We had a glorious little get together with some friends and some boys the other night. Margaritas were drunk, and the new digs were broken in. Catchphrase is always a fail-safe at a gathering, and watching B trying to imitate a praying mantis will pretty much change your life.

I also got 17 stitches put into my leg. I had to have a large mole removed as cancer prevention and so they hacked it out, put in two layers of stitches and sent me on my merry, numb little way. It's getting quite sore, but looks to be healing quite nicely.

Additionally, we have been living in tornado-ville this past week or so. Everything is flooded and seeing red covering our county is nothing but ordinary at this point. Last night, I fell asleep on the couch and was woken by roommate and could immediately hear the tornado sirens going off. I grabbed a blanket and we headed down to the bachelorette pad where we watched the news and realized that our cable actually still includes like 70 channels rather than just the 12 we are receiving upstairs. I'll have to fix that this afternoon--blessing in disguise, I suppose?

Anyway, the point is, I'm back. I know you've missed me.


Sara Jane said...

Yeah! I'm glad you're back! It gets so hard when life takes over and gives you no time for blogging about it. But I guess that's better than having loads of time and nothing to write about!

Anonymous said...

Stay safe with all those crazy tornadoes!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting settled in, pukey green bedroom and all. Stay safe and be careful, stitches, tornados, and Catchphrase...! (oh my) GB

laurwilk said...

You got rid of the MOLE? And didn't TELL me? That's big time! PEEEEEEVED (ha, kidding).