Saturday, June 28, 2008


I'm spending the weekend with the little bug, and I don't think I've shown any of you pictures of her recently, so here she is...
How could anyone say no to a face like that?
Attitude with your lunch? Hanging in the dining room...
Chillin' in the car watching a movie and munching--seriously, it's a rough life...
And, finally, Emerson being all Hollywood...

We're swimming this afternoon, and as the old adage goes, when the cat's away the mice will, I think while mom and dad are gone, I will probably get her all jacked up on Mountain Dew and popsicles, and feed her everything her mother would never allow! Hahahaha, best aunt ever!


laurwilk said...

I love that you started her on Funyuns. Get her hooked on half coffee/half hot chocolate too. Remember that?

Kellan said...

She's a darling little bug - too cute!

See you soon - Kellan

Dreams and Designs said...

You just like that last picture because she's totally lookin' like you! I think 90% of the pictures I have of you, you are making a goofy face and you probably have sunglasses on. Now if only she had a longneck bottle in her hand...

Anonymous said...

Way to steal pics off of my comp! She is cute, I know. :) I'm totally full of it and super proud mommy though...I'm totally biased!

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

She is so cute, obviously brains and beauty run in the family! GB :)