So, now I am trying to decide where to go from here. Nothing really scares me when it comes to my hair--except for that time that I accidentally died it midnight black. Everything else is fair game. So, should i go back to slightly dark? Or real dark:Back to red:
Or really blonde again? This is a survey, people. I expect your comments on this very serious, and lifechanging topic. Choose wisely.
Or really blonde again? This is a survey, people. I expect your comments on this very serious, and lifechanging topic. Choose wisely.
*The Jamie Show will be back to normal posting tomorrow*
Sort of dark. Or blonde. But I really liked it dark. Remember when you went midnight black, it was my idea that you should go dark. Just not that dark.
Eeek. I dyed my hair
BLACK a few years ago.
And man is it true when
they say, once you go black,
you never go back. It
took FOREVER to get my
for real life color back...
and a very expensive visit
to my hairdresser. PSH.
I actually totally dig
the red on you. I think
that looks gorgeous!
And red is so sassy and funn!
Umm...and I also think
that going au'natural is
a fair game. Because
everybody loves the natural
Duh dude, blonde! Remember back in the day when we always had matching hair? Yeah, well mine is remaining blonde so change yours back. Then we'll be TWINS!
The Olberding's are BLONDE. (My vote should count as two just because I said so.)
I say medium dark. I love dark and sassy hair!
i'm partial to red. ;)
but when fall rolls around - i'm so totally for the 'sorta dark' - it matches your glasses!
I just wanted to say, one more time, that I really you to go blonde.
I have another reason too. The last time you were blonde was longer ago than the last time you were red, brown or black. Because life is cyclical (uh, just go with it), it's time to go back to blodne!
i like the slightly dark or red...although I'm leaning toward the red more. :)
Ohhh. never have seen you blonde but I do love the dark so I say medium dark!
blonde. it's summer!
when it's fall, do red & this winter rock the black.
change with the seasons & you'll always be fresh & happy.
You know i'm the hair expert right? and yes blonde is good but for your coloring i think the dark brown is the best. you stand out in a crowd with dark hair. I hate to say it - but in the blonde pics you just blend in. No one wants to blend in. That's so not you!!
I love what Kara said and I totally agree!
Porter is voting via me.
He says blonde or the lighter brown. And that you are sleeping on the street if you go super dark.
(His words, not mine.) Hahaha.
I personally like the real dark look. I was blonde and red for a long time and couldn't decide what I wanted and then finally I woke up one morning and said, "I'm a natural brunette, that's how God made me" and now I'm brunette and I wouldn't go back.
Red is cute too but I like the brown better.
I liked the slightly dark really a lot - very cute on you. You look cute anyway you choose!
Take care - and good luck - Kellan
Pic #2 you are hot!
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