Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

It's Sunday morning--I woke up at 10 a.m. after a Tylenol pm induced haze feeling so much better after the 13 hours of sleep I gave myself. I was very tired after a long day at work on Saturday mixed with a few beers plus a full belly after going out for an enjoyable dinner :). It's snowing--it's always snowing in Iowa in February. I don't know about you, Diary, but I'm ready for it to go away. As I look outside I am reminded of the dearyness of snow--the cold, bitter reality that you might be stranded by some unbelievable force of nature. There are no snowplows yet--still snowy driveways and snowy sidewalks.

When I finally did roll out of bed, Danielle was also up and we ate breakfast and watched several hours of Sex and the City where we were whisked into cloudy dreams of designer shoes, friendly dinners, Dior bags, and the city of our dreams at our fingertips. We are smitten--we are smitten with NYC and the clan of glamorous gals that "live" there. It was still snowing and blowing at this point and very cold--I could barely see across the street to the little British pub that sits on the corner. I was feeling a little sullen at this point--I realized that as much as I might be Miranda, I'm not Miranda. And, on top of all this, I've been looking forward to buying new tennis shoes all week, and we both needed groceries and now we are stranded. We also decided after watching season four of the one show that makes our lives good, that martinis were in order.

We were out of vodka but had many mixers left from Martini Madness part one (aka Danielle's 23rd Birthday). If we are going to be stranded all day, we decided we might as well have some damn warm cheeks while we were at it. We decided that the situation was dire enough that we braved the weather and drove to the grocery store which is conveniently located by the shoe store and killed all our birds with one proverbial stone. The roads are still pretty atrocious and it's a slushy mess out there. But we made it.

Danielle asked, once we got home, "is it wrong for us to be drinking martinis at 2pm on a Sunday afternoon?" I replied, "no, Danielle, that's what Sundays were made for." Maybe I'm not so different from Miranda afterall--maybe all girls in their early 20s deserve an afternoon of vodka and fiction shows to soothe the soul of all the craziness that we often experience on a daily basis. Now, we sit here--me in my new python Asics, and drink our mango martinis as we watch The Way We Were (another SATC influenced choice--you know, the episode where Carrie runs into big and Natasha and the line, "Your girl's lovely Hubbell." D--pressing, substantially.) We're stuck at home--as much by choice as by circumstance...but isn't that how it is with life? We have just as much opportunity to strand ourselves as we do to drive out on the not so safe roads. Now, as the hours pass, I find myself wondering, when's the snow plow going to dig us out?

Until next time, Diary,



Dreams and Designs said...

Dude- python running shoes. Well played.

That's it, we're going to NYC. Pick a weekend.

E said...

Okay, what I want to know is whether or not your mother reads this blog. If so did she suggest ice skating or a walk in the park or setting up a bird feeder instead of the martinis? How about Scrabble? As the person who is likely your oldest reader I feel compelled to act in your mom's stead since she may not know about martini Sundays. And since you are obviously beautiful, funny, and smart you may not really want to walk on the complex road of Sunday afternoon cocktails.
I hope his little old lady motherly sermon doesn't revoke my blog reading privileges....E

Anonymous said...

GB seconds the comments about the martinis. Buy a sled, pop some popcorn, rent some movies, find a good looking guy to stalk, wash your car and then figure out how to get the doors unlocked.

See, there are a lot of other choices for a Sunday afternoon in Iowa. Take care and stay warm!:) GB