Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I don't think...

I dont think:

*Paula Abdul should use the word "dope" nor should Kara use the word "hip." Ever. I'm just saying. :)

*people should underestimate the power of the full moon.

*winter should be as cold as it was today (wind chill of negative 28).

*it should be this confusing--because in our very small spot in the world, our problems seem trivial--why in our lives do they seem so large?

*it's easy to see how lucky we are!

*I would be the well adjusted (ha!), and halfway normal person that I am without my friends (you all rock!) and family (epecially my older sis).

*I'll ever get rid of my nomadic instincts.

*anyone should settle for anything less than butterflies...yes, I take some life advice from Carrie Bradshaw--who doesn't?

*I'll ever be content.

*I will ever turn down sweets.

*I'll ever get drunk without busting out a British accent.

*anything compares to weekends with friends! :)

*cheese tastes good. Ewe.

*I'll ever justify my thoughts in my writing. I wish I could.

*anyone will match the cuteness of my niece (and goddaughter) Emerson.

*I'll ever get over missing you.

*unsolicited advice should offend anyone--you should be pleased that people want to help.

*a soundtrack will ever beat RENT.

*anyone is ever good enough for my friends.

*anything beats a good bottle of red wine.


Kara said...

in the words of beth:
1. you put me in the same category as crazy drunk Paula Abdul?!?

2. yes - you will feel content someday.

3. friends are the BEST.

4. RENT is awesome and i can listen to it over and over again.

5. if you miss me so much you know where to find me. :)

Dreams and Designs said...

Ahhhh cute! I miss you too! :)

Kellan said...

Hi Jamie - I don't think there is a cheese I don't like. I also don't think it's easy to see how lucky we are.

I loved all of these - great list!

Okay, okay, okay - I'm a bit of a weenie when it comes to cold. 60 degrees is obvious not that cold, but in Texas, where it is 95 - 100 so much of the year - it seems like when it gets cold - it feels really cold to us. It's nothing like -28 ... GOOD LORD! Where are you - Siberia? I would love to see a bit of snow (really!), but that is VERY cold.

Thanks for coming by - nice to see you. Keep warm and I'll see you soon. Kellan

Anonymous said...

Hey, I miss you, too!!! Friends are really the best... Take care and stay warm. GB

laurwilk said...

Who won't you get over missing? I need these answers. So get online!

I feel the same way sometimes. Gosh, I really wonter who your 'you' is. Do you know my 'you'?

And you will too be content. You're typically content. Are you forgetting MIDDLE SCHOOL? The most content days of our lives!