Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Punk Face

So, my little sister is kind of a punk. Let me get the disclaimer out of the way--she's my sister and I love her and she's great and she's smart, and she has a kind heart. Period.

That being said--let's get real honest here. She's an 18 year old punk. She's dated this guy on and off who in no way is good enough for her--he treats her like crap much of the time, disrespects her, makes her appear needy and self conscious--he's just not good for her--especially not for her future. She doesn't give herself enough credit, and she sells herself short.

That's me, in my long haired glory (it's short now), and C. This pic was taken the night before my graduation...anyway, she's got talent. She's artistic--she takes great photographs, is a good cook, and likes kids (ewe). She's a trendy dresser, listens to decent music, and much of the time, she'll do a favor for you (there are, I might add, a hearty list of exceptions). When she's in a good mood, she's really glad to talk to you--when she's not, you best hope you decided not to call.

Anyway, she's coming to visit tomorrow. She's a senior this year, and she and her friend are coming into town to go on a college visit--YAY college! They're staying at my place, and I've been trying to get her excited about college for two years now, and though I think I have about killed myself in doing so, she's finally coming down.

She used to have no interest in it. At all. It was a subject that could start a family war at any function. She'd likely get mad if it was brought up and briskly leave the table while throwing a big temper tantrum in the meantime, while screaming "I'm NOT going to college" which translated into, "I'm not leaving the BF! Take pity!" She wanted to stay close to that boy. She didn't want to leave her comfort zone--and the world she's known her whole young life.

That being said, I have her in my realm for about 14 short hours, and I've talked until I'm blue in the face trying to give her life advice and tell her that she really does need to leave the hometown and the now ex-bf to get out there and get some real world experience, and I think I am about 85 percent there--but I have nothing else to say. There is nothing else I can say about academic programs, and dorm life, and student activities, and traveling abroad, and growing as a human being that I haven't said before.

So I ask you, dear reader, what advice would you offer to the youngin--cus I'm out, and I still have 15 percent to go...


E said...

I like bribery.
As in, Listen kiddo I know you are fantastic even if you don't quite know it yet. So here's the deal, ( enlist parents and grands and anybody with money)
I will buy you $1600 worth of clothes per year for every year you stay in college.
And drag it out....$400 every three months to keep her attention on short term goals.
These will not be useful clothes. No underwear unless it is decadent. Maybe all shoes...whatever she loves.
Maybe no clothes at all. Figure out her currency and use it as a motivator...I' m taking you scuba diving in Belize in June and a trip every spring break, etc
And stop persuading and just start complimenting. You are too smart to miss this etc etc....
(You are a good big sister)

laurwilk said...

Haha, these all just crack me up. Because I can envision this. Especially the 'Christy tantrum'. (Which is maybe a behavior learned from an older sister?)

Anyways, I don't know the current outcome of Christy going to college. While college really WAS the only option for us, I don't believe it is the correct choice for everyone. Keep that in mind. Unique life choices lead you to interesting places.

Getting out of Spencer for a bit --that's a huge life necessity. Lead by example and come live in NYC with me! (Gosh I'm sneaky.)