Monday, April 21, 2008

My Holiday

So, if you weren't aware, this week is national administrative professional assistant day--or whatever--since Secretary's day is no longer politically correct. So, the administrative professionals in the office shall be showered with flowers and food and lots of joy and love for an entire day. Actually, I think it is supposed to be celebrated for a whole week.

Then, of course, a few months ago, was the lovely bosses day. We pitched in cash, bought the bosses some goodies, and got a few brownie points for ourselves (actually, AS and DT, if you're reading this, I really love you both).

Anyway, the point is, what about the rest of us? When is national CPA Day, or Grocery Store Cashier Day, or Call Center Dude's Day? When's our day in the sun? It's only the bosses and the secretaries getting the love, and really, it makes my heart a little bit sad. Not really. I just feel like if Hallmark was actually practicing their capitalist monopolizing ways to the fullest--they'd broaden the spectrum of random holidays to go further than Bosses, Secretary's, and Valentines Days...and the rest of us would cash in, too! :)

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