Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Children Need Him More Than I Do.

It is necessary to have a visual of those three places before I tell you this story.
My friend Danielle and I decided it would be best for both of our souls to go on a man-fast for a while. As you all know, my luck with man-fasting is very bad. I don't have much will power--which is why I always fail at being anorexic, never get out of bed early to exercise, and always finish the bottle of wine. When it comes to men, I am usually the same way. I had lots of faith in my ability to pull this off this time, though.
And I failed.
I went on a date tonight. With Zach. A cute 25 year old college graduate with what sounds like a decent job (and he travels a lot, like me), and a similar love for Thai food. We met at my favorite Thai restaurant tonight (even though it is in a shoddy part of town and my sister is convinced I am going to get shot every time I go there). Conversation was off to a good start, we perused the menu, he ordered the yellow curry duck and I had the pad thai--per my usual. We talked about our jobs, families, friends, goals, aspirations, his immunizations* etc. Great date? Right?
Here's the catch: Zach leaves Saturday to go back to Denver for work for two weeks. He comes home on the 20th and then is done working. He quit his job. So that he can leave in the beginning of January to go to ECUADOR* to teach ENGLISH to the CHILDREN for somewhere between SIX MONTHS AND A YEAR. Blast! Damn noble people, anyway. "Thanks for dinner and a great date, maybe I'll run into you in South America sometime???"
I'm not very good with geography, but I do know that Denver, Ecuador and my lovely spot in Iowa are not, well, very close at all.
My sister's first question: Why are you going on dates with men who are based in Denver and are moving to Ecuador next month?
She's brilliant.
Maybe the man-fast won't be so difficult after all--especially if all the men I am interested in are jet setting to South America for the rest of their lives.
Have I ever told you all how much I hate dating? Sometimes I think it might have been easier if I had been born into one of those families who believe in arranged marriage--set me up and send me off to get knocked up with my new husband and a flock of sheep as my dowry.


Danielle said...

hahahaha! I feel very badly for the unfortunate situation because Zach seems like a keeper...if he were stateside at the very least! I think the universe is just LAUGHING at us! And arranged marriage?! Frightening.

Anonymous said...

I am brilliant. Thank you.

It's really too bad he's leaving for Ecuador. He likes good food, is educated, and has a heart...can't he stay in the states and do good things?

Mandy said...

Awww man, that sucks! At least it makes for good blog fodder, right?

Dreams and Designs said...

Ok first of all, it's not THAT bad of neighborhood- remember I grew up like 5 minutes from there... moving on.

Ummm, the rest, well, that just sucks.

Anonymous said...

I say again, "Where do you meet these people???" I don't think I've ever met someone that nice, let alone went out on a date with them... At least he didn't lead you on for 3 dates then tell you he was leaving for a year! (I hope dinner was at least free?!)

shaken AND stirred said...

I completely agree with the arranged marriage thing. Where do I sign up? But I'm also pretty convinced that no man could afford my dowry...:-). Good luck with the man fast. I start one about every other month, with good intentions, but then a cute boy smiles at me, and I'm done for.

laurwilk said...

Did the feminist in you HEAR what you just said? I bet she's pisssed.

You'll find one. Be patient! could always move to Ecuador?

jamie said...

The feminist in me was wallowing at the time in her singledom. She's over it now. She would never ever let her parents arrange her least not just yet...

clsb said...

long-distance relationships have their benefits...


i mean, you'd have to visit him, right?? ecuador (on the equator, no less) sounds like a pretty awesome place to spend some of january...)

Anonymous said...

There's got to be a little bit of blame on good-hearted, well-educated & perfectly cute Zach . . . what's he doing out on the prowl for women when he's leaving in 2 weeks for the next oh, 6-12 months?! Depending on how well-intentioned he really is:
A) He was looking for one last, ahem, "fling" before migrating south.
B) He's feeling a little lonely that maybe nobody (at least nobody except his mom) will be missing/yearning for him while he's gone. Everyone wants to be missed. And, everyone wants something to look forward to coming home to while they're away. Someone he can daydream about back in Iowa! :)

You could always be pen pals?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love the part about the dowry—it would be easier that way, wouldn’t it? I commiserate. Dating blows. xo

Kara said...

Is he related to Paul? Seriously! Paul is in Argentina right now and over December he'll be in Ecuador.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's no good at all! :(

At least you got a good date!

amanda said...

Aw. Boo sorry to hear
this for you. Pshh.

BUT...I love me some
Ecuador. Is he teaching
in Quito? Or perhaps
Guayaquil? Aw mann...I'm
jealous! He is doing a
GREAT thing...which
makes him even more

I'm with Laur...go to
Ecuador with him! It's
awesome. They have an
iguana issue...but still.

Anna said...

Thanks for stopping by my site!

I love your site and can't wait to come back again! Have a great weekend.

Auburn Kat said...

HAHA! You are making more progress than I am though!

E said...

So did you get his email address? Write to him. Tell him your best stories. Listen to his. You just might fall in love and be writing to us from Ecuador. Stretch your thinking a little bit Miss Jamie. Maybe it was nothing but some good free Thai food. But that's for sure all it will be if you don't crack the window just a little bit....

E said...
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stillarockstar said...

you make me laugh. & by the way, i love the photo behind your blog title. ...perhaps DT would open up the thought of ACTIVE international recruitment, eh? NAH. i think the man-fast is a better idea. i hope you had a good weekend with your dad...

Sheri Michaels said...

Jamie, You go girl!! All the way to Ecuador if you want. It is a beautiful country. I've been there twice and have friends in Quito now. Warmth all year round, right on the equator. That's where I want to live!! I just need to improve my Spanish.