Friday, December 28, 2007

Drinking Lunches

One of the great things about a holiday break from work is actually a very simple pleasure in my world: drinking lunches. See, when I am at work, we go out for Mexican at least once a week. It's a pretty great time for us to get out of work and hang out as a group in the middle of the day while gorging ourselves on burritos and chips and salsa. Heaven. One thing missing from our gatherings, though, is margaritas! And no one loves a frozen strawberry margarita more than this girl...

So, when my mom, sister and I went to our favorite Mexican establishment in my hometown for lunch, mom asked, "Are we having a drinking lunch?" My response--duh! After some pink goodness the conversation with my little sister about her college planning steps (or non-steps) was much more bearable.

And, now that I've finished my red rita and lunch #2 (to those of you who are familiar with my #2 at La Casa, it's the same here at Monterreys--weird huh?), and had to eat the whole thing myself because B$ (better???) wasn't here to split it, I'm a little bit fatter and back on the couch where I will probably remain for the next ten or eleven hours--with a little laundry and packing mixed in there.

I'm thinking I'll head back toward the metro area tomorrow and have a few days to just hang out before I have to head back to work. With all the running and going and visiting and shopping and people involved with the holidays, it doesn't seem like you actually get a chance to relax until it's all over. I have to be grateful for an employer who gives us a very generous holiday break (even though I actually kinda sorta miss my friends from work, but don't tell them that, I don't want them thinking I'm a big softie!!). :)

Hope your holidays are lovely!

I would also like to give a shout out to all my friends, family, and other readers to say thanks for stopping by--especially the mysterious GB for following and commenting! :)


Dreams and Designs said...

Dude, I went to a mexian place in Des Moines and had the #2 and it was exactly the same also! Weird. It must be some universal thing! Oh, and thanks alot, now I feel like I need mexican for dinner and I have no one to split with!

Oh, and went you refer to me, please do it properly: B$

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip back to reality after your holiday/family break. Take care, and thanks for mentioning me! I'm almost famous!! GB :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad that I didn't go there when I was home...dammit. I had to choose the page instead. Damn.

laurwilk said...

Craving Monterrey's. Mmmm baby. I'm going there over Labor Day.

P.S. COME home for Labor Day! Wilkerson's got a new lakehouse. I'll never have to work. It will be fun! And we'll get sccchwasssted.