Friday, November 7, 2008

would you?

I am sitting here watching City of Angels--a movie I have not seen in years. Anyway it is now that I am reminded of why I fell in love with this movie in the first place--it is romantic and sweet and girly. I love meg too, and I think this is one of the first movies I cried at...oh nostalgia!!
Anyway, right now, as Nicholas Cage falls from grace I can't help but wonder--would you do it? Give up your heavenly existence for someone you believed you clicked with instantly? Someone you believed you loved? Without question?

I like to hope I would...


Bayjb said...

Ew that's a tough question. Honestly, I don't know if I would because I've never loved someone enough to want to give that up. And I've never seen that movie, maybe I should.

Mandy said...

I loved that movie, tough question. I dont know....I would like to think I could give it all up, but I'm not sure..

laurwilk said...

Hmmm...I think I would. However, I think it's a lot easier to make that 'jump' in the beginning. It's more difficult to make the 'jump' later on, when things aren't a fairytale.

Dreams and Designs said...

Do you have to ask??? Please refer to the "cynical" part of the Cynical Optimist for your answer.

Auburn Kat said...

That is one tough question!

Anonymous said...

that's a hard question after a failing marriage of 5 1/2 one moment you THiNK that's how two people feel about each other...& then it's gone... :(

Kara said...

I gotta second Beth on that. It's just a movie not real life.

EP said...

Tough question. I really don't know, but I would like to think I would.

And nostalgic tears? Yeah, any older movie I watch, I experience those...

amanda said...

I heart that movie.
Haven't seen it in ages!

But I agree, Jamie...I'd
like to think I would
give it all up as well.
But would I? I don't know.
But I'm pretty sure, even
though he is my ex currently,
I would have for him.

E said...

I made a related jump and since it was the best decision I ever made the answer is yes.

Now get to the good stuff. How was Mr Converse? Enquiring minds want to know...

I haven't read the book. Should I ??

Anonymous said...

This remake was awful. Rent the Wem Wenders original, Wings of Desire.