Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm alive! I'm alive! I swear, I am still alive. (Only by good luck, however--driving in this city is a freaking adventure and I have been --><-- that close to being killed/killing about eleventy-billion times).

Sorry I have been MIA this week. My Chicago schedule is totally kicking my ass. I will be getting back to being a faithful blogger/commenter very soon--promise.

For now, I am going to have to lie down and watch a few seconds of SATC as the eyes, well, they are finding it quite difficult to remain open.


amanda said...

Hope you get a
GREAT night of sleep,
you crazy traveling

Dolce said...

Traveling for work sucks, I empathize completely. Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures.

Bayjb said...

Aww I hope you're keeping dry in Chicago right now and that things slow down soon.

Bayjb said...

Aww I hope you're keeping dry in Chicago right now and that things slow down soon.