Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's Wednesday. I have a headache. My nose is running. It's the worst year for ragweed, like, ever. I am tired. It's been a long week--already. Most of the day at work I think about killing myself with office supplies, scissors, phone cords, and exacto knives must be kept out of my hands about passing the time productively.

Today my mind is wandering. Nothing seems to be going right. I'm feeling flustered and behind. And the only thing that keeps me from throwing in the proverbial towel and taking the rest of this bitch of a day off is the thought of Saturday.

Saturday, my friends, I depart for gloriously sunny and hot Phoenix, Arizona. The ten day forecast shows temperatures in the high 90s and lots of sun. Let's celebrate, just for a second, the outdoor swimming pool at my hotel. Seriously. Are you celebrating? Whatever. Bastards.

I'm there for a week. For work. Which means I can meet up with a couple friends in the area one night, and the rest of the week is mine. To do as I please (I mean, there will be work, too, of course). To eat. To drink. To sleep. To lay in the sun. And I can't wait. It's going to be freaking fantastic to get out of this office for a while and hop in a car or on a plane and listen to my music as loudly as I would like.....ahhhhh I love travel season. Besides, it's getting cold here wayyyyy too fast and these allergies are enough to drive the sanest of people to the looney bin.

There is a real possibility that my next post might find me typing poolside...


Auburn Kat said...

VERY JEALOUS! It's almost quarter end at work, so I'm drowning in excel spreadsheets and paperwork. JOY

Dreams and Designs said...

I have used this very same image before!!! Crazy! :)

Bayjb said...

Have a safe trip, I've never been to Arizona! Ugh allergies have not started flaring up yet but soon I fear.

Anonymous said...

If you're so miserable at work maybe you should quit!

Sara Jane said...

Get some sun for me!

Accidentally Me said...

Oh have fun! I went to school out there and I have many, many fond memories:-) I have a soft spot for the desert:-)

laurwilk said...

Jamie, I think you forgot that fall is our favorite season.


But have fun in AZ, dude.

jamie said...

I would just like to let anonymous know that I am not always miserable at work. Yesterday, however, was a long day. Typically, I very much enjoy my job. And that part about Exacto knives was intended to be "funny." Thanks for the advice, though.

To the rest of you--thanks! I'll post lots of stories from my trip!! :)

amanda said...

Phoenix! Yayy to nice
weather. I'm sure it'll
be an amazing and
relaxing, to a point,
of a vacation! Live it on tables...and
drink them down like the
best of them!